Success - £13.8 million secured for Burslem and Tunstall

Jonathan worked relentlessly, to stand up in Parliament 85 more times than his Labour predecessor for Burslem and Tunstall.

This paid off, with £13.8 million of investment secured for our historic towns. After a long campaign by Jonathan to breathe new life into Burslem indoor market, it will be regenerated thanks to this government funding. 

On top of this, money will be spent on much-needed improvements to Burslem and Tunstall's high streets and centres, which is a priority of residents. 

Port Vale FC will use part of the funding to create a sport and wellbeing campus, linking Dimensions and revolutionising Sproson Park with a new SEND playground, cafe and classroom facilities. 

Stoke-on-Trent College will also benefit from an Advanced Green Skills Campus thanks to the funding Jonathan secured, working with local employers to upskill our next generation, ready for the jobs of the future.