I rencently wrote the the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak , ousting the case for the Staffordshire 5G Connected Region Growth Deal.
We in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent have a huge opportunity to lead the way nationally on gigabit into homes and businesses, as well as having 5G capability on our urban and rural areas.
The economic impact of this would be huge and builds upon the great success of Stoke-on-Trent City Council who got £9.2 million from the government to team up with VX Fibre ( LilaConnect ), installing gigabit directly into the homes and business locally.
The scheme was worked on by Staffordshire University and Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, and recieved support of MP’s across Staffordshire.
This could be a big step towards levelling up and will help to bolster my Silicon Stoke ambition to make us the home of video games and TV/Film amongst SME’s.