It was a pleasure to meet Richard from Swedish firm VXFIBER (LilaConnect), who are working with Stoke-on-Trent City Council, to roll out gigabit internet to the home, with £9.2 million of government funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
By being one of the leading cities in the UK to roll out gigabit, we have a huge opportunity to be the heart of the tech revolution. One exciting example is the new housing in Burslem on the old Royal Doulton estate will have gigabit internet to each home.
With gigabit broadband we could become a leading ‘smart city’, bringing high skilled and high wage jobs to our area. It could also see improvements in:
🏥 Health & Social Care
🏭 Advanced Manufacturing
🌳 Smart Energy Systems
🌾 Agri-Tech
🎥 Media & Entertainment
☎️ Critical Communication Systems
📚 Research & Skills (e.g. Staffordshire University and Keele University)