We need the return of the Stoke-Leek line in North Staffordshire.
Public transport is simply not good enough and we need better connectivity with our towns and villages to help people avoid the nightmare congested roads and more importantly provide opportunity for tourism and local business to boom.
Jack, Jo, Karen and I, who submitted the bid jointly, have had feedback on our initial proposal and will now work tirelessly to convince government that we must see this reopened.
North Staffordshire hasn’t seen a single station reopen since Beeching. In fact it has seen further cuts.
Reopening the Stoke-Leek line would reconnect Stockton Brook and Milton to the rail network and could also connect Birches Head Academy, with a new station there.
The current rail line is mothballed, so is a continual cost to Network Rail who have to maintain the bridges, whilst getting no return.
I am delighted to have the backing of local Councillors for Baddeley, Milton & Norton:
Cllr Carl Edwards
Cllr James Smith
Cllr Dave Evans
We have all agreed that we will pitch for light rail to go on the line which would help our race to Net Zero in 2050 but also cause less disruption to residents near the line and cost considerably less, meaning a fairer deal for taxpayers.
So far over 500 people have signed my petition and I hope many more will by following the link below .